
Maryal Concepcion, MD (she/her)

100 Days of DPC

I’m Maryal M. Concepcion, MD.

I’m a Filipinx creative and connector.

I’m am the Owner and CEO of Big Trees MD & Podcast Host of My DPC Story.


Day -92, -91

True happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are the same thing. Ghandi Wow wow wow! I got to mix my passion for medicine and my newer love for being a podcast host mesh today. The one and only Hunter Schultz of the pod Winning Healthcare Food Fights (Without…

Days -93, -92

Whirlwind. Today I spent the morning in “pitch school” with Lisa Cain of MarketingU.com just before I pitched the pod to the Hint team. It was like my drivers test when I was 16. Before my drivers test, I started driving at 3am to get in my last bulk of hours I needed to be…

Day -94

Look before, of you’ll find yourself behind. Benjamin Franklin – Poor Richard’s almanac 1735 Truly I am a creative. I owe this to my Mom and Dad. That does not always bode well with efficiency. Today, on top of all the things on my plate I happily added Mentor to the mix. Through reaching out…

Day -95: Productivity & My PC!

Focus on being productive instead of being busy. Tim Feriss This morning I sat at the dining table that was supposed to be a gadget-free zone (pre-pandemic, of course) where I sat with my iPhone streaming a PodFest lecture and A was on his tablet eating pancakes. N was jumping away in the doorway jumper.…

Days -97, -96

We cannot predict the value of our work will provide the world. It’s our job to create it, to pour ourselves into it, and to master our craft as best we can. -James Clear, Atomic Habits How very true this quote is. “Atomic Habits” my James Clear is one of my favorite books of all…

May 6th: Day -98

When I was a third year med student, I was so blessed to go to Superior, Nebraska, the Victorian capital of Nebraska . My now Husband, boyfriend at the time, was a year ahead of me at Creighton and he had told me all about how it was to follow in the footsteps of Dr.…